The apple of discord is a traditional Dem casting performed by two experienced casters to instill anger, frustration, jealousy onto a couple for the purpose of dividing/separating/breaking them. It may help with those targets, who are not confrontational in nature, to finally reach that breaking point. The apple of discord is used to instill contention or envy, or a small matter that could lead to a larger dispute.
Historically, the Apple of Discord is a golden apple from Greek mythology that started a dispute among the gods and led to the Trojan War. The goddess of discord, Eris, threw the apple into the wedding feast of Peleus and Thetis. The apple was inscribed with "for the fairest" and was claimed by Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. The prince of Troy, Paris, awarded the apple to Aphrodite, who promised to give him Helen of Troy. This event led to the Judgement of Paris and the Trojan War.
It is an intense spell and best when cast in conjunction with the bones of anger or the Lucifer's oleum but it is a stand-alone spell and can be cast on its own without other spells added. It is particular indicated for couples who don't fight no matter what. It is cast for 21 days and repeats are advised until results are reached though you should be able to see some movement from the first round of casting. It is extremely important for this cast to have the full names and the CORRECT names of the targets.
The Apple of Discord on a Couple By Akio and Jen
Number of days cast: 21
Target: males or females
Yields pictures, report,notes, video: Jen's insights. Nothing from Akio.
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Process: step 1. Fill out all the requirements step 2. upload your pictures in the order form or send pictures to Erin step 3. Erin will prepare your order step 4. your order will be sent to scheduling 24 to 72 hours after being prepared step 5. check your spam folder step 6. receive your notification of the dates of the spell step 7. receive your one-time notification of your order being cast. Warning ⚠️ Not sending pictures or info will result in scheduling delays!!
Your Targets Name (both) MUST BE THEIR FULL NAME
Picture of Both
Date of Births of Both if known